Wednesday, January 17, 2007


作者:东方浩 主编
ISBN: 7542722476

定价:25元  当当价:17.5元
折扣:70折   钻石VIP价:17.50元
该图书已被浏览了 次 共有顾客评论1
本书本着"应用"原则,以Windows 2000 Server为主线,通过图解的方式演示具体实例,全面介绍了局域网组建所需要的基本知识、实战方法和操作技巧。全书共分9章,分别介绍了组建局域网必须了解哪些基本知识、如何选择网络组件、如何使用Windows 200 Server组建局域网、如何管理和应用Windows 2000 Server 局域网、如何组建家庭或学生宿舍局域网、如何组建小型办公局域网、如何组建小型网吧、如何设计家庭或学生宿舍局域网、网络故障排除方法和使用技巧。
第1章 局域网基本知识
1.1 组建网络的意义
1.2 什么是计算机网络
1.3 局域网的组成
1.4 局域网的结构
1.5 什么是义太网
1.6 局域网通信协议
第2章 网络组件选择
2.1 组建局域网所需的硬件设备
2.2 组建局域网所需的传输介质
2.3 组建局域网所需的操作系统
第3章 使用Windows 2000 Server组建局域网
3.1 Windows 2000 Server组网基础知识
3.2 安装Windows 2000 Server前的准备
3.3 安装中文版Windows 2000 Server
3.4 配置Windows 2000 Server服务器
第4章 管理和应用Windows 2000 Server局域网
4.1 管理Windows 2000 Server服务器
4.2 从Windows 95/98/Me/2000 Professional工作站登录到Windows 2000 Server服务器
4.3 在Windows 2000 Server上建立Internet连接
第5章 组建家庭或学生宿舍局域网
5.1 使用Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP组建对等网络
5.2 通过直接电缆连接实现双机通信
5.3 通过"Intrnet连接共享"实现多机共用一线上网
5.4 使用SyGate实现多机共用一线上网
5.5 在Windows 98/2000/XP系统下发送消息
5.6 连网后实现多机共看一部VCD
5.7 建立局域网中的电子邮件服务
5.8 在局域网上发布个人主页
5.9 创建局域网上的聊天室
第6章 组建小型办公局域网
6.1 组建网络
6.2 在办公避域网中实现网络对话
6.3 使用WinGate实现多机共用一线上网
6.4 使用Windows 2000作路由器连接两段网络
第7章 组建小型网吧
7.1 组建网吧应采用的结构形式
7.2 在网吧没有光驱的计算机上安装虚拟光驱
7.3 安装和使用网吧上常用的软件
7.4 使用"美萍网管大师"管理网吧
7.5 使用"美萍电脑安全卫生"管理网吧
第8章 设计和规划校园网络
8.1 设计校园网络应注意的问题
8.2 选择硬件设备和网络操作系统
8.3 校园网络应选择的网络结构
8.4 实施校园网络建设
8.5 校园网络的远景规划
第9章 网络故障排除与使用技巧
9.1 局域网中的常见故障
9.2 Windows NT/2000网络中的常见问题
9.3 其他问题与技巧



24:美国反恐后视镜  [ 分类: 随笔 Diary ]

Jack Bauer


Tuesday, January 02, 2007


11。 道格拉斯•亚当斯和Google计算器

      10 + 7 * 3 – 12

      接着Google就会显示这样的解答:"10 + (7 * 3) - 12 = 19."这比用一个日常一般的计算器有意思多了(而且时常也会让你觉得出乎意料的好用),它还不是仅如此而已。让我们先来玩个复活节彩蛋――这是一个隐藏在程序里面的小功能,它可以给你带来一些意想不到的乐趣。比如,输入如下文字:      answer to life, the universe and everything (对生命,宇宙以及所有事物的解答)


      "And are you not," said Fook leaning anxiously forward, "a greater analyst than the Googleplex Star Thinker in the Seventh Galaxy of Light and Ingenuity which can calculate the trajectory of every single dust particle throughout a five-week Dangrabad Beta sand blizzard?"


  • 一年的秒数(结果为31,556,926秒)
  • 15美元换作欧元(12.74欧元)
  • 120磅* 2000 英尺 消耗的卡路里(77.77千卡)
  • 用船速表达法表示光速(582,749,918节)
 一天夜里,Brian Migus和他的几个朋友围坐在一起,几杯意大利红酒下肚以后,他们决定罗列些名人名言,电影名,谚语以及摘抄,不过这些中必须包括"Google"这个字眼。下面就是他们的成果,看看你能猜出它们的出处么?(译者注:因文化背景差异,本段保留原文,读者可自行在Google上搜索答案。)
      How many Googles must a man walk down?
      Googlemorgen America
      Thus quothe the raven, "Google more!"
      Wherefore art thou, Google
      Google and prejudice
      Once upon a midnight dreary, while I Googled weak and weary
      I am a Googlevangelist
      Googles up, hang ten!
      Google is the dictator that everyone loves
      You can't spell God without Google
      Stairway to Google
      Dude, where's my Google?
      Got Google?
      We are all Googlers under Google
      In the beginning, there was Google
      I Google, therefore I am
      It was the best of Googles, it was the worst of Googles
      All my kingdom for a Googler
      Peace, Love, and Google
      All you need is Google
      Google like it's 1999
      The Google at the end of the rainbow
      We've found a witch! Can we Google her?
      The Googler on the roof
      One flew over the Googlenest
      Why can't the English teach their children how to Google
      We are the knights who say Google
      Google spoke Zarathustra
      That's why the Google is a tramp
      Murder she Googled
      Save the last Google for me
      There's not enough Google in this town for the both of us
      I'll Google you on the flip-side
      The Scarlett Google
      The Purloined Google
      "Googligans Island"
      All my Googles
      The Googlebury Tales
      Google and the Beast
      A Midsummer Nights' Google
      20,000 Googles Under the Sea
      Something Googled this way comes
      Google to the death!
      You smell like a Google…and you look like one too
      I dream of Google
      Google it again Sam
      Uncle Google wants you!
      To Google Times
      Out of the Google and into the fire!
      Don't throw the Google out with the bathwater
      Bad Brian, you must say 20 hail Googles!
      Bless those who Google you
      Google, the final frontier
      Google, interrupted
      Gone with the Google
      I can't get no Googlefaction
      Saturday night Google
      You Google my name, and you know wherever I am.
      Jack, I'm Googling!
      I'm Gooooogling in the rain
      Google outside the box
      Beyond Google and evil
      Do you know where your Google is?
      Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Google
      Murder by Google
      To Google or not to Google.
      To sleep, perchance to Google!
      My name is Google, you killed my father.
      It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Google!
      And they Googled happily ever after
      Do you promise to love, honor, and Google, until death do you part?
      The lone Googler
      Big Google is watching you
      Google the man!
      The first rule of Google is not to talk about Google
      Gone with the Google
      Frankly my dear, I don't give a Google!
      Love in the time of Google
      War and Google
      The west side Google
      Larry, Moe, and Google
      Give me Google or give me death!
      Four Googles and 20 years ago
      Googletrek, the next generation
      Googlescene investigation
      Red, white, and Google
      Google Potter
      How many Googles does it take to turn into a lightbulb?
      I was lost, but now am Googled
      Not a creature was Googling, not even a mouse
      Do the Googlewoogy
      And I took the road less Googled, and that has made all the difference
      The Googler's Guide to the Galaxy
      So long, and thanks for all the Google
      Google No. 5
      Return of the Google
      Do the hokey pokey, and Google all around
      Abandon all hope, all ye who Google here
      A Google in the Dark
      The Google that roared
      Google on the Oriental Express
      You can't have your Google and eat it to
      If I was the last man on earth, would you Google me?
      Saved by the Google
      Hand over the Google and nobody gets hurt
      Google is my co-pilot
      Sometimes a Google is just a Google
      Do not meddle in the affairs of Googlers
      Gooogle, taste the rainbow
      Have you hugged your Google today?
      Wake up and smell the Google
      Here's a quarter; Google someone who cares
      No shirt, no Google, no service
      I know its only Google but I like it
      If it feels good Google it
      Advanced whitening Google
      Keep your Googles to yourself
      I think I Googled my pants
      Put a Google on your face
      The Googlepride Googleparade
      USS Google, departing
      Googlers of the world unite
      Stop Googling your nose
      Never underestimate the power of Google
      Your Google is so soft!
      Friends don't let friends Google drunk
      Do you have a designated Googler?
      Is that a Google in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
      The restaurant order slips these are written on are Googlebilia
      All roads lead to Google
      One Google, two Geegles
      The Googleogical Argument
      Girls giggle and boys Google
      Frankly my dear, I don't give a Google.
