Monday, December 25, 2006

TOP50:用google maps做的50件事

google maps在fans的手中成了无所不能的利器。你可以用它来寻找时间,寻找你想找的人,用它来判断在ebay上拍卖的产业的价值,去离你最近的星巴克咖啡店度过一个悠闲的下午,买快餐,买啤酒,在机场最快的找到停车位,看哪里有最便宜的汽油,哪里有现场演出,在google maps上追踪你关心的航班。所有能够通过google maps完成的事情都拜托给了google maps,有些google maps没有先例的事情也让google maps来尝试。现在让我们认真的看看这些疯子到底是怎么用google maps达到他们的目的的。
1. Measure your run route or commute2. Check the time in a world location3. Look up a US zip code4. Measure Area5. Make your own Google Map out of any map6. Map your photos7. Check what’s on the other side of the world8. Find a person in the US9. Check the weather anywhere10. Find the nearest Starbucks11. Discover an eBay real estate deal12. Find airport parking in the US.. or the UK13. Create a running route14. Watch a travel video15. Find Fast Food in the US16. Buy beer in Ontario17. Check the news for your zip code18. Avoid disease outbreak19. Beat traffic20. Make your own Google Maps mashup21. Avoid red light cameras22. Find cheap gas23. Check sunrise or sunset times24. Convert currency25. Find a place to live in the US26. Find out where the daylight is right now27. Find a ski resort anywhere in the world28. Track a flight on Google Maps29. Calculate the distance between two world airports30. Find the elevation/height above sea level31. Map the 7 Wonders of the World32. Find a golf course anywhere in the world33. Click anywhere and get travel info34. Simulate a flood to show damage effects35. Fly a plane36. Search Google Maps in full screen37. Find a world webcam38. Find a US or Canadian Library39. Find a world port40. Map the fish in your tank41. Find high risk areas for modern marine pirates42. Find a world dive site43. Map Wikipedia articles to their location44. See where UFOs have been sighted45. Pray in the direction of Mecca46. Search eBay items by US zip code47. Map flight turbulence and pollution48. Plan a London tube journey49. Calculate cab fare in New York City50. Map where movies were filmed in the US and Canada
原文引用自:Google Maps Mania

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